
WVU's "Sandwich University" Had A MELT DOWN On Twitter, Google Reviews, And Life Over The Weekend

There is nothing like a little sandwich shop drama to get the ole blood flowing. From what I can tell from my internet detective work, Sandwich University didnt pay some of the college kids who work there and the kids were obviously mad about it. When the kids publically asked for payment, the sandwich shop twitter account went off, started blocking people, and going in on their Google reviews. Here are some of the tweets and reviews.

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I mean, I’m sure that felt realllllly good for the Sandwich University owner to do in the heat of the moment but then, no matter how private you set your account to, the internet lives forever.

Id bet the Sandwich University owner woke up today like

Of all the tweets and reviews, my favorite is the zero dollar gift card and to email Classic joke.

H/t DeLay_soy