
Do You Think The Poodle Knows He Looks Like A Jackass?


So just like the rest of the world I was glued to the Westminster dog show last night. That was until the Min Pin got royally screwed and then I had to shut it off. Anyway before that though The First Lady and I had a heated debate about the Poodle. Do you think the poodle knows he looks like a jackass? Like what is up with that haircut? It’s HORRIBLE. First Lady says the dog absolutely loves it. Can’t get enough of it. That he wants his hat to be higher. Thinks it’s stylish. Thinks all the other dogs look ridiculous. That he wouldn’t trade the pom poms on his shoes for anything. I don’t know. I think he has to know it’s a horrid look. He has to. Dogs aren’t that stupid. He looks around the room. He sees what’s happening. He knows he’s the only one that looks like this. It’s fucking embarrassing. It has to be right?  Like come on bro.  Give me a fucking normal haircut here.  Give me a chance.   You can’t send me into a hatchet fight without a hatchet.


Vote 1 for the Poodle loves it.  Drips swag.   And vote 10 for he knows the score. Would kill just for a normal haircut.


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