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Shout Out Nashville's Bridgestone Arena For Refusing To Be Silenced By Dictator Roger Goodell


h/t KSR

Jeremy Burson, a UK grad who works for the Nashville Predators, for making it happen. 

I’m glad someone in this world has balls outside of our fearless leader:

Now, Jeremy Burson isn’t near the level of Dave when it comes to standing up to that dictator Goodell. But, Burson at least corrected the decision from that fascist leader. You may have remembered my blog from yesterday:

Screen Shot 2019-04-26 at 9.51.28 AM

Josh Allen is an unbelievable story. This is a guy that was a 2-star. His only other offer was Monmouth. MONMOUTH! He’s overcome stuttering as a kid. He worked his ass off to be an All-American and the best defensive player in the country this last year. Yeah, I said it. The BEST defender in the country.

Luckily there are people in this world like Jeremy Burson. People that are good in this world. The ones that battle evil like Roger Goodell. I swear he made the Giants pass on Josh Allen for this poster business. Only explanation that makes sense.


Not only this. He put up signage for all the Kentucky guys in the draft. That’s a power move. That’s a guy that I will buy multiple beers for at Rippy’s.