People Actually Believe That Kobe And Belichick Are Best Friends?
BOSTON (CBS) — Bill Belichick is revered as a legend in the Boston sports landscape. Kobe Bryant is regarded as one of the biggest sports enemies in the city. So it’s odd, then, to try to picture the scene that Bryant painted in a recent interview regarding a conversation the Lakers star had with the Patriots’ head coach during Game 6 of the 2008 NBA Finals. “I’m sitting there on the bench, just beside myself, burning with frustration, and I look over and Bill Belichick is walking toward me,” Kobe told ESPN’s Jackie MacMullan of the night the Celtics won the championship in Boston. “I had never met him. Never spoken to him. He had courtside seats across from our bench, and with 20 seconds left in the game, he came over and said, ‘Don’t you worry about this. I know what you are going through. We just lost a tough one ourselves. Just bounce back. Be ready next year.’” Bryant said that since then, he and Belichick have continued a sort of professional friendship, with Belichick visiting the Lakers’ locker room last year and offering some of his coaching advice.
How dumb can people be? Because Belichick said “hey don’t worry about it, get ‘em next time” after Kobe lost the NBA Championship all of a sudden they’re BFF’s? Bill + Kobe 4eva? Please. Belichick isn’t friends with his own mother. He’s on this earth to compete, not make friends. Ever heard of getting in someone’s head? Fucking with them from their own kitchen while you eat their lunch? Belichick obviously snickered after he said “good game dude” like you do after you win a game of playground ball. Obviously gave him advice like “Hey Kobe you should shoot the ball more. Maybe pressure ownership to trade for a physical giant but mental midget.” when he was in the Lakers locker room. And because he’s Belichick, Kobe listened. He wasn’t trying to help the Lakers, if he was the Lakers would be dominant (in regular season games, at least). He was infiltrating from the inside and now we’re seeing the fruits.
Befriending villains is John Henry’s bag, not this guy’s