
Time For Carmelo To End This

This game tonight and this series on the whole is about one man and one man only – Carmelo Anthony. Its not about JR Smith. Its not about Jason Terry. Not about Jordan Crawford talking about La La. Not about wearing black to the game. Its all about Melo. In the 3 games he’s played well, the Knicks have won handily. In his two worst games of the season Game 4 and 5, the Celtics were able to steal a couple Ws. Its not rocket science. He’s this team’s MVP. As he goes, the Knicks go. JR Smith has come and gone in this series. Doesn’t matter home or away. Jason Terry has played well in losses and wins for the Celtics.

It just comes down to Melo. The Celtics are a veteran team who are gonna basically do the same thing each and every game. They’ll perform as well as their aging or injured bodies can. But if Carmelo Anthony has a good game, the Knicks are too much for them. Plain and simple. For the record, I think the Knicks can beat the Celtics in other ways. When Felton and Shumpert went to the hoop Game 5, the Celtics had absolutely no answer. The pick and roll with Chandler was working to perfection. Those three were getting to the hoop with ease. But the reality is, thats not the way the Knicks play. They aren’t going to change their gameplan now. Woodson and company are gonna stick with what got them there and thats a lot of outside shooting. I don’t love that, but I understand it. If Melo’s shots fall, this ends in Boston tonight. If they don’t we’re coming back to NY with a massive amount of pressure. Thats all there is to it.

PS – I expect a big game from Chandler and Kidd. Two NBA Champions that need to dig deep and support Melo and close this out.