
This Bro Is Killing Smut Peddler's Reputations Everywhere

DENVER (CBS4) A website operated from Colorado Springs that harvests hundreds of nude and explicit pictures and then displays them on the site has Colorado women outraged after their most private photos showed up unexpectedly on the website. “ The website was started about a year ago and is operated by Craig Brittain, a 28-year-old Colorado Springs resident. “I call it entertainment,” said Brittain. “We don’t want anyone shamed or hurt we just want the pictures there for entertainment purposes and business. I would say our business goal is to become big and profitable.” Brittain said he typically makes about $3,000 a month from advertising on the website. A link on his site takes people to another site of a purported “Takedown Lawyer” named David Blade III. For a fee of $250, the purported lawyer would have people’s photos removed. However Dr. Nicholas Weaver, a Ph.D. researcher in Network Security conducted a forensic computer analysis on emails from Craig Brittain and David Blade III. Weaver concluded that emails from David Blade III and from Craig Brittain were “likely sent not just from the same IP address but from the same computer.”

What a bro can’t earn a living now without getting harassed by the man? Guy isn’t trying to shame or hurt anybody. He’s just trying to become big and profitable. This is still America right? Seriously though I’m not going to defend this guy. He is clearly a colossal scumbag. He gives smut peddlers everywhere a bad name. I think this website should be taken down and this clown thrown in jail.

But having said all that, if you don’t respect the name David Blade III for a fictitious “Take Down lawyer’s name well than you’re just lying. That’s as good a fake lawyer name as their is in the business. In fact I guarantee that at some point over the next year when somebody sends me an email complaining about something I will refer them to Takedown Lawyer David Blade III and it will be like triple Stoolie points to whoever can pick up on it.