
Hubbs and I Bet Wearing A Noah Syndergaard Jersey On An RnR8 Fight Even Though I Very Clearly Did Not Agree To It

So as I’m sure you’ve seen, we have a bunch of blogger bets going for RnR8 tomorrow. Two bloggers assigned to two fighters facing off, with something up for grabs in each match-up. I’m paired up with my fellow Short Porch co-host Hubbs. He has The Immortal and I have The Exterminator.

Tale of the tape…

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Now I am confident in my guy David Gainer. I met him at RnR5 in Kentucky. He’s just an all-around cool cat. He had a cool Southern accent, chain on his neck, and I think he was even chewing on a toothpick, one of the coolest things a person can do. He already beat Jacob Meade once so I’m sure he can do it again.

HOWEVER, I very clearly did not agree to the Noah Syndergaard jersey bet, as you can see in the clip at the top of the blog. My hate for the Mets and specifically him runs deep. Growing up on Long Island, I was surrounded by way more Mets fans than Red Sox fans, making them my most hated team.

Every April the Mets would start like 12-6 while the Yankees were 7-11. These rat Mets fans would scurry out of their sewer dwellings to rub it in my face for a few weeks, dawning their ugly blue and orange jackets with “2-Time World Series Champions” sprawled across the back as if that’s something to be proud of. They are really just a disgusting breed of people, a lower class of human.

So yeah I hate the Mets. My mom is a big Mets fan (although I don’t consider her disgusting and a lower class of human). Growing up, my dad and I always refused to let her put any Mets stuff in our house, and I’d refuse to use her Mets blankets or plates. The thought of having to wear a Mets jersey makes me physically ill. Especially Noah Syndergaard.

Noah Syndergaard is the biggest fraud on planet Earth. He wants to come off as the cool guy who “gets it” but he’s really just a giant, soft, sensitive tool.

He blocked me on Twitter when I had roughly 1000 followers. Over the years, here are some of my other favorite moments from the man who calls himself  Thor.

There’s also the incident in 2017 where he belittled the team’s training stuff and refused to get an MRI because he’s a hardo and thinks he has the strength of a mythical superhero. In reality, he’s a mere mortal who had to leave his next start with an arm injury and then miss five months. The Almighty Thor!

Everything he does just makes me cringe. Nobody tries harder and is a bigger fraud than Noah Syndergaard. I’ve seen through it forever, but others are finally coming around too.

Hubbs shares my hatred for him which makes this a tough bet for both of us. The loser has to wear it during one recording of The Short Porch. It would be the worst thing I’ve ever had to do, and the first time any piece of memorabilia representing that filth franchise has touched my body.

Go Exterminator Go.

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