
Caps Lose In Every Way A Team Can Lose (Besides That Fight)

Tonight Carolina was just about as dominate as a team can possibly be. They worked the Caps in every single aspect of the game of hockey. 5 on 5, PK, PP, intensity, defense, everything. I mean at times they made the Caps D just look foolish, while at the same time they held the Caps to just 1 shot on net in the 2nd period.

I mean, this right here is how you lose a hockey game:

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God. That is ugly. Outshot 45-17, outhit 52-34, and the Caps PP couldn’t get a single thing going.

All in all, it was just ugly. Besides Ovi laying the smackdown, it was jus an ugly, ugly, ugly game. I wrote this morning “My original prediction was Caps in 5, so if they lose one, it will be tonight in my opinion.” so at least I got that right, eh?

Maybe the Caps just needed to get a stinker out of their system. Don’t forget, we lost games 1 and 2 to Columbus last year. This is the NHL playoffs, it’s not going to be all rainbows and gumdrops. Regroup and get back on the right track for Thursday.