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Chandler Jones and His Brothers are Scared Shitless of Bill Belichick

Yahoo! - Jon Jones had to stay neutral while in Foxboro two weeks ago. The UFC lightweight champion had a brother on both teams… Still, the always-busy brothers were happy to see each other after the game — with a caveat. After the Ravens won the AFC championship, Arthur, Jon and Chandler met up and took a picture. Jon told Shutdown Corner that he wanted to share the picture with fans, but Chandler worried about one person seeing the pic… “Chandler had no clue I tweeted the picture,” Jon said. “He was like, [Patriots coach Bill] Belichick is not going to want to see a picture of me holding up a Raven with a smile on my face. I understood, so I took the picture down…” Jon said his younger brother is all in on following the Patriot Way. When Arthur tried to find out about the health of Chandler’s ankle before their playoff game, Jon said Chandler knew better than to share any information. “I was telling Chandler, don’t listen to Arthur, he’s on the other side. You gotta realize that. Belichick, he protects his knowledge. He protects his players. Chandler’s a perfect Patriot. He keeps what’s private private. It’s weird to see him so hypnotized but he loves his team.”

This is just another example of what the outsiders, the Patriots-haters and the empty suits in the media will never understand about why New Englanders love Belichick so much.  And we’ll defend him to the last man.  Here you’ve got on of the baddest ass trio of brothers on the planet, and they’re totally intimidated by this scruffy, dour, eccentric little genius.  Like Chandler, I am the youngest of a family of super athletic, razor sharp tough guys.  And you don’t survive in that environment without being a bad mammajamma yourself.  And yet he’s totally cowed by The Man in the Iron Hood.  Not because he’s physically intimidating or because Jones is worried about getting cut or whatever.  Just because Belichick projects a moral authority.  In a pro sports world littered with coach-killing narcissists who are allowed to think and act like it’s all about themselves, Chandler Jones doesn’t want to post a family picture on the 1% chance it might disappoint his coach.  I disagree that’s being “hypnotized,” it’s just pure, unabashed respect.  I will agree about the love of team part though.

PS.  In other Belichick news, Steve Tasker, the guy Belichick supposedly disrespected after the AFCCG went on Felger and Mazz yesterday and said he wasn’t snubbed.   The entire network knew The Hood would turn down the interview days in advance and Shannon Sharpe was out of line to have sand in his vagina over it because the whole incident was nothing.  Or words to that effect.  But don’t let the truth get in the way of a good story, haters.