
Now Is When Fan Duel Baseball Gets Interesting

We’re almost a month into the 2013 campaign. 20 games under our belt. The season is obviously still young, but now’s when you can start to see guys rounding into shape to understand what type of players they’re really gonna be. Who’s hot start was just a fluke and who’s poised to keep it going for the duration of the season. Who’s slow start isn’t just a slow start and is a sign of more things to come. Players and teams starting to show their true colors. No more fucking snow storms to deal with as the weather warms up and balls start to fly. A lot less chance in these weekly Fan Duel match ups if you’ve been watching the first month.

So sign up, draft your team, and prove you know your baseball.

$6,000 in prizes, $1200 for 1st
266 spots in the tournament
$25 entry, can enter up to 3 teams
Prizes down to 26th place
Starts at 7:05pm EST on Friday