The Winner of Super Bowl Media Day is Katherine Webb
New Orleans – Welcome to the NFL, Katherine Webb. After becoming a focal point of the BCS National Championship broadcast, the former Miss Alabama and current girlfriend of University of Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron was front and center at Super Bowl media day interviewing players for Inside Edition. When Webb wasn’t putting a mic in front of members of the Baltimore Ravens or San Francisco 49ers, she found herself having many placed in front of her on the Superdome turf… “I flew in from Los Angeles last night late so I’m running on about four hours of sleep,” Webb told USA TODAY Sports. “It’s been absolutely crazy. I feel like I’m one of the players or coaches being interviewed. I’ve been hounded by media.” Not that she hasn’t been courting the publicity allotted by Brent Musberger’s sudden star-making turn. Webb is currently filming Splash, a diving competition that is basically a spinoff of Dancing With the Stars, and will be appearing in Vanity Fair and helping to promote the upcoming Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. She’ll also be back in familiar territory as one of the judges in the Miss USA pageant.
Poor Katherine Webb. You can see now why the feminists and the suits at ESPN were so quick to leap to her defense after Musberger said she’s pretty. They were trying to save her from a life of jet setting around the country on Inside Edition’s nickel, Reality shows, Vanity Fair, SI promotions, pageant judging and being treated like a star at the Super Bowl. Thank God she had those people looking out for her, it’s just a shame they didn’t react fast enough to protect her from all this fame, money and celebrity. I’m sure tonight when she’s back in the Niners team hotel and Colin Kapernick is leaving the map of Hawaii across her chest, she’ll wish they’d saved her from this life of suffering.
PS. I think I’m starting to really resent this chick, saying she’s getting “hounded by media,” like she hasn’t made it her life’s work to be applauded for her good looks. I just hope she’s already given Musberger a Rusty Trombone for making her a star. If he’d kept his mouth shut she’d be judging a Todders & Tiaras tournament at the Huntsville La Quinta Inn right now instead of star-banging NFL players. @JerryThornton1