
No way Bells is Bigger Than Waimea, bro – Surfer Garrett McNamara has once again gone from his Pittsfield roots to the top of world – at least when it comes to riding gigantic waves.  McNamara, a native of Pittsfield, Monday reportedly broke his own world record by riding a wave estimated to be more than 100 feet high off the coast of Nazaré, Portugal. McNamara, who surfs out of Hawaii, set the current Guinness World Record for the largest wave surfed of 78-feet at Nazaré in 2011. That ride was first said to be more than 90 feet high.

And here I was thinking I was the only big wave rider to come out of the Commonwealth.  I can’t believe I’ve never met Garrett McNamara before.  It’s like we’re soul brothers.   I’d love to drop in on an angry growler and just shred the gnar with him one time.   Little hand says it’s time to rock and roll!

El Pres Cant’ Live In A Cage Man