
Chris Brown Beat Up Frank Ocean Over A Parking Spot


Newsfeed – Two of R & B’s biggest stars — one much-loved, the other much less so — got into a fight this morning outside of a Westlake recording studio, reports TMZ. Frank Ocean and Chris Brown reportedly got into a fight over one of the most valuable items known to denizens of Los Angeles: a good parking space. Police were called to the scene, but Brown had apparently already decamped, leaving Ocean to give his account to authorities. According to TMZ, Ocean is being referred to as “the victim” by the cops; he claims that Brown punched him after the parking space faceoff.

I felt like such a squid reading this story. I honestly had no clue who Frank Ocean was. I kept hearing that Chris Brown beat him up and I thought it was a skit or something. Like I thought Frank Ocean was a 75 year old white dude who was part of the rat pack. I mean what type of name is Frank Ocean for a black R+B singer? It screams white crooner doesn’t it? Either way I can’t tell if I’m starting to like Chris Brown. No I don’t condone beating women but he is fucking Rihanna again and just beating up bros over parking spaces. He’s turning into the Razor Ramon of the music industry and as a rule I always root for the bad guy. Like who has more street cred than Chris Brown right now? Beats up girls and guys and never apologizes for shit. Total dirtbag just doing his thing.