
Trevor Rosenthal Has A Full On Case Of The Yips And His ERA Is Still An Incredible INFINITY

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As you might recall, Nats pitcher Trevor Rosenthal allowed his first 7 guys on base this year without recording an out, putting his ERA at infinity. Up 12-6 today, the Nats brought him into a relatively low-pressure situation to try and get his composure and mojo back.

So what happens?

First batter up: Rosenthal plunks him.

Next batter and very next pitch: Wild pitch

Two pitches later: Wild pitch

Walks him on 4.

Immediately yanked.

ERA: Still infinity.

9 batters, 0 retired. I feel terrible for him. This is as yippy as the yips can get. Who knows what you even do with him. You want to believe he can just pitch through it because he’s been doing it his entire life, but man, it’s hard to watch.

I don’t think the Nats can keep using him. If that’s so, he will end his Nats career with an infinity ERA, which is actually pretty cool. Like, you’d rather have an infinity ERA than something like 7.68. So in my opinion, his tenure here has been the opposite of a disaster. I will never dislike Trevor Rosenthal.