
Baker Mayfield Wants Nothing More Than To Beat The Brakes Off Colin Cowherd

One of the most intense rivalries in modern sports continues to be Baker Mayfield’s boot vs. Colin Cowherd’s ass. The latest installment of this beef is over the Odell Beckham trade – a topic nearly completely undeserving of conversation at this point of the NFL calendar. The day of the trade? Everyone was talking about it. The day of his introductory press conference? Everyone was talking about it. Today? Feels like a bit of a force, but whatever. NFL is king. Talking heads need talking points, I suppose.

My main gripe with Cowherd’s point of the Odell experiment having a chance to be “a complete and utter dumpster fire” is that… you know, we’re talking about the Cleveland Browns. An organization whose default setting is “dumpster fire.” That’s all they’ve ever known. They cannot possibly go lower than they’ve already achieved. So, who really gives a shit if this doesn’t yield a Super Bowl or a deep playoff run? As of today, before the Draft, there is a reason to be excited about Cleveland Browns football in a totally non-ironic way. And that’s a sentence that has likely never been said pre-Baker and Odell.

As for Baker, I love how hard he rides for Cleveland. He embraced being a Brown the second the Draft order came out. He wants nothing more than to change the narrative around that franchise and city as a whole. And also, perhaps most importantly, to whoop Colin Cowherd’s ass in front of a large group of witnesses. Which, when all factors are considered, makes it incredibly hard to root against Baker “Welcome To The Meat Show” Mayfield.