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Jose Canseco Says He Had A Threesome With Jim Carrey On His Reddit AMA

Its been a real shitty week for America. Terrorism in Boston. Explosions in Texas. Just real heart breaking stuff. Its times like this that you wish that super heroes were real.

Well guess what? They are real. They go by the name of Jose Conseco. And they go on Reddit and do an Ask Me Anything and tell people they had threesomes with Jim Carrey. Someone inquires about time travel and Jose tells them he Jiggawatted their mother. When the world falls to its knees, Jose Canseco is there to pick us up. Thats a real life super hero if I’ve ever seen one.

Seriously, you can’t even script an idea like this. If you were to put the wackiest comedy writers in a room to come up with funny storylines, theres NO CHANCE they’d ever come up with “The reason Jim Carrey plays the role of Jose Canseco when playing ball with his son in Liar Liar is because Jim and Canseco are good friends and have actually had a threesome together.”