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Mike Golic Broke The Internet With A Re-Creation Of The Kim Kardashian Butt Photo/Made Everyone Want To Puke





I can’t imagine anything worse than playing football at Notre Dame and having your radio partner be a Northwestern nerd who now has Saturday’s game as a trump card over you life until the end of time. Like I know Mike and Mike are best friends but it still hurts. Anyone who has worked in an office knows the feeling. That one guy who roots for an annoying team, wins a big game and you NEVER hear the end of it. Nothing worse.  Well let me take that back, I can think of one thing worse. Having your wife and son baby oil you up so they can take a picture of you standing in a trashbag. That probably sucks more. Good sport though and funny pic. Also not for nothing but Golic has some pretty sweet back muscles for a guy his age, no homo (Roy Hibbert).



Seriously though, no one lost more than Golic Jr.