Does This Look Like The Face Of A Dude Who Is Squatting In A Florida Mansion And Nobody Can Do Anything About It?
Dailymail - Andre Barbosa can safely say that he has one of the nicest homes on the block in Boca Raton, Florida. But the 23-year-old Brazilian national does not own or even rent the palatial $2.5million estate legally – he is a squatter. Now he is threatening to use an obscure real estate law that allows people to claim a property as their own if they stay there for seven years. No one witnessed Barbosa breaking into the 7,522-squae foot, five-bedroom, six-bathroom waterfront home, so he cannot be arrested. And Bank of America, which foreclosed on the house, so far has done nothing to evict the 23-year-old and reclaim the property. Next-door neighbor Lyn Houston told the Sun-Sentinel that she had approached Bank of America last week with an offer to buy the foreclosed house that Barbosa has been calling home, but she has received no response. ‘We’re all going crazy, trying to figure out what to do,’ she said. ‘It’s unbelievable that it can be done. Plus, if they’ve got the balls to break in the house, what’s to prevent them from coming over here?’
Bank of America foreclosed on the cream-colored stucco mansion in July. Shortly after, Barbosa notified the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser’s Office that he was moving in. Barbosa posted a notice in the front window of his swanky residence naming him as a ‘living beneficiary to the Divine Estate being superior of commerce and usury.’ Next to it he placed a signed copy of the Adverse Possession law, which allows a person to claim the title on a property after seven years. Police were called to the address the day after Christmas, but did not evict Barbosa after he presented officers a copy of the adverse possession documents.
According to his Facebook page, the 23-year-old, who refers to himself as ‘Loki Boy’ after the Norse god of mischief, attended South Technical Education Center in Boynton Beach and South Tech Academy in West Palm Beach. In a brazen move, he also created a page for the Boca Raton mansion where he has been living and entertaining friends, which he calls Templo de Kamisamar.
Squatting is all the rage right now huh? You know who was my favorite character in this story? The next door neighbor. While the entire neighborhood is whining about this squatter this chick is just trying to shit done. Just showing up at Bank of America being like “Fuck it I’ll buy the damn house just to get Loki Boy the fuck out of here. Plus any chick who drops “he had the balls to break into that house so what’s to prevent them from coming over here” is okay in my book.
Anyway as far as squatter stories goes this is a D+. Like anybody can squat in an empty house. That shit is rookie ball. The gold standard is still that lady from Detroit who squats in an occupied house. Now that is big time squatting. The rest is amateur hour.