Amazing Footage of A Diver Helping Unsnare A Wild Dolphin Caught In A Fishing Line
DM – A dolphin tangled in fishing line sought help from a diver in the waters of Hawaii. The amazing encounter on January 11 was captured on video and the diver, Keller Laros, spent the better part of eight minutes tending to the needy mammal who readily accepted the help. Mr Laros was leading a group of snorkelers for a manta ray dive experience off the Big Island’s Kona International Airport when the dolphin squealed out.The diver explained, ‘The way he came right up and pushed himself into me there was no question this dolphin was there for help. The diver said that the animal patiently and calmly allowed him to work to remove the fishing line.
Awesome video. I love the fucking ocean. I love fucking Dolphins. I wanted to jump through my computer screen and into the ocean and help this guy unsnarl this magnificent creature. Cut that fishing line off him and then go hunt down whoever ensnared him in the first place and hook that person by the mouth and drag him around town center for everybody to see. Nobody fucks with Dolphins. Not on my watch. The only surprising part of this video was that a dog didn’t doggie paddle onto the scene wearing a snorkel mask and lend a hand.