
Free Money Alert: My Dad (17-0 at Indians Games in the Last 2 Years) is Going to The Game Today


Welcome back, folks. For those of you that do not recall, last year I documented how my all-around average dad has one special quirk about him: he does not lose when he goes to Cleveland Indians games. Guinness Book of World Records has confirmed he’s on the hottest streak of all time. I first wrote this blog last September 5th when he was 16-0 over the last two years, and here’s what happened that day:

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And just like I said last year, I don’t need any of you fact checkers on my case. I’ll show my work. Here are the other 8 games he went to in 2018:


And for those of you that want more proof than just circles on a calendar, here are his tickets:



So that’s 9-0 for 2018. And here’s his schedule from 2017….


Here are some pictures from the games…

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The proof is in the pudding. Check any one of those dates. They always win. I don’t know what else to say to you guys. My dad is an all-around average guy. Nothing to write home about. But when he’s at the Indians games they just cannot lose. And guess what? The Cleveland Indians open their home season this afternoon against the Chicago White Sox, and the big fella has been pregaming downtown since 9 am.


Be advised: Take the Indians moneyline.

And I’m sure there are haters out there that say this is stupid, or that it’s dumb cause the Indians are -150 today. Then don’t bet!! But for all of you haters, I also know that there are people out there that have their rent due, or have student loans, or have kids. This is how you pay for that shit. It’s called a SAFE INVESTMENT. People pay thousands of dollars of year for a financial advisor. I’m doing it for you for free. Oh, and if you think that I jinxed him? Then bet the other way. But he wouldn’t be 9-0 since he posted this back in August of 2017 if he was jinxable.


Remember, it is a 4:00 pm start today versus the White Sox. My twitter handle is @BarstoolTate if you want to say thank you later this afternoon. Credit to me if they win. I want no blame if they lose. That would go to my dad. He’s the one at the game.