
The Good, The Bad And The Ugly From The Eagles Week 2 Victory In Indy

I didn’t think the Eagles were going to win this game. A complete “Hope for the best, expect the worst situation”. As I said last night, Andrew Luck has never lost back to back games. 10-0 in his young career. He also is 13-3 at home, beating both Super Bowl teams there last year during the regular season. But the Birds won, and dammit it feels nice. No team in NFL history has started 2-0 after being down by 14+ points in the 2nd half of both of their first two games.

The scary part is the Eagles didn’t play anywhere near their potential, especially on O. Nick Foles hasn’t looked sharp. The receivers have straight SUCKED. The play calling has been questionable at times…YET – this team is #1 in points (64) and yards (878) in the NFL. Wow.

I’d rather be Lucky than Luck any day of the week.



The Good:
The Little Man: Self explanatory. Only 25 snaps and made the most of his 11 touches. Sproles did it all and then some.

Demeco Ryans: 72 snaps – The entire game. 7 tackles (1 for loss) and a fumble recovery may not jump off the stat sheet, but this guy was everywhere anchoring the D.
The Second Half Adjustments: 58-10 in the first two games.
Zach Ertz: Kid is a star in the making. This beast needs to be fed more than 6 targets a game


The Bad:
Nick Foles: The statline wasn’t awful, again: 21/37 for 331 and 1 TD/1 INT (64 QBR). But for the second straight game Foles has looked…off. And it wasn’t just the first half where he was over/under threw a couple of balls. He flat out MISSED Zach Ertz wide open in the second half in the RZ. There are simply decisions and throws he would make last year that he hasn’t this season. Accuracy concerns combined with him checking down just a little too much is worrisome, but it’s only 2 games.
Play Calling: This was mostly the 1st half, but there were a couple of play calls that had me scratchin’ the heavy head. 3rd down, need only a yard and pound it up the middle with the 4’11, 120lb back? And what about some of those Red Zone plays in the first half? Yeah the second half was perfect and hindsight is 20/20, but there were a few calls Chip made that were really quizzical.

The Ugly:

Mychal Kendricks Injury: He’s going to be OK for this week (just a bad calf cramp), but it’s just a matter of depth. Can’t have the runt of the litter Casey Matthews out there getting his shit shaked on a regular basis.


I would say Matthews got shook out of his jock but he left it at Oregon or possibly in the womb.
Kendricks did almost almost Papelbon’d it during his MJ dance. Good thing he didn’t as The Fuhrer would have banned him for life.

Stupid Penalties: Andrew Luck tickled Jon Gruden’s taint all night with his “Hard Count”, and forced the Eagles to jump offisdes 3 times. Two of which were on 3rd down and gave the Colts a new set. Unacceptable.

WR Play: 6 catches out of 18 targets for just 70 yards to the big 3 WR’s is not good. That includes very catchable balls dropped by all three, including a MUST grab TD toss to Riley Cooper early in the game. Maybe if Coop got some sleep over the weekend instead of dancing up a hurricane at Xfinity’s country concert on Sat he would have been sharper. JM and MC have been targeted 33 times and only have 13 grabs in the first two games. That’s abysmal.
2-0. We’ll take it any way we can. Somebody tell Pres the Skin’s moneyline is looking mighty fresh right now, too. Should hop on it while it’s hot.