
What Drunk Person Hasn't Pooped On The Sidewalk And Then Ran Away With Their Pants Around Their Ankles?

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[YDR] – “Sparr advised he turned around and saw Wright pull down his pants fully exposing himself,” charging documents state. “Sparr stated he then witnessed Wright defecate on the sidewalk near Starbucks.”

Wright tried to run away with his pants still around his ankles when Sparr yelled at him to clean up his pile.

Wright then confronted Sparr, poked him in the throat with his finger and swore at him. Wright also threatened to fight Sparr, according to documents.

Police found Wright near East Market Street and asked him what happened. Wright said he “took a crap on a poop” on the sidewalk. The officer could smell alcohol on Wright’s breath and saw his eyes were glassy and bloodshot.

Sometimes you’re just looking back and reading the city you grew up in paper and miss the good ole days. That’s what happened here. I grew up in York, Pennsylvania where this delightful story happened. Started reminiscing about all the old days of going to Starbucks after midnight and crapping on a poop.

No one else?

Yeah, me either. This is for sure a one guy story here and frankly I have so many questions. I get that you want to be a good person but I can’t imagine disrupting someone with their pants all the way down around their ankles taking a shit on a sidewalk. I get you’re trying to do your job as the street sweeper, but it just seems like that’s something I’d avoid. I’d just come back later. I do love that he just ran away when asked to clean up his pile. Air dry that asshole as you spring with your pants around your ankles.

Still laughing about the ‘took a crap on a poop’ quote. That’s an all-timer.