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Dude On His Way To Kill Himself Steps On The Remote, The Office Pops On His TV, Prevents His Suicide

The SunA SUICIDAL dad told yesterday how he was seconds from killing himself — until hit comedy The Office accidentally flashed up on TV.  Jody Parrish, 32, left a note, sent his ex a farewell text and set off to end it all — then trod on the remote. After his sister’s DVD began playing, he spent five hours laughing so hard at bungling boss David Brent — famed for his catchphrase “Fact” — that he cheered up. Dad-of-two Jody — devastated after a six-year relationship ended — said: “David Brent saved my life. I’d not seen it in years but I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much. I realised I had lots to live for.” The ex-plasterer was at mum Karen’s in Liversedge, West Yorks, when the Ricky Gervais hit show halted his grim bid last week. He is now on tablets to combat depression and said: “I am determined to get help.” Star Ricky said: “I’m so pleased for him.”

Well what a heartwarming story this is! Jody’s 2 children weren’t enough to make him want to live, but a little marathon of The Office did the trick. Hey kids, how does that make you feel! Your dad would rather be dead than spend anymore time on this planet with you guys. But The Office! Thats a different story. The Office makes your dad feel alive. And the British version, nonetheless. Real nice story for those kids. Somebody make sure The Office is on 24 hours a day for those kids because they are for sure gonna try to kill themselves.

I’m trying to think of what TV could save my life. Like if I was straight suicidal, what show would pull me out of the depression and make me change my mind? I think I’d have to go with the best episodes of Always Sunny. I personally think Arrested Development and Seinfeld are funnier and better written. But for straight up absurd laughs, I think the best episodes of Always Sunny would get me to put down the gun or the noose. The Gang Gets Racist, The North Korea Situation, the Beauty Pageant episode Frank knocks out of the park. Charlie singing Day Man/Night Man. Absolutely anything with The Lawyer. The list goes on. All that shit are the things that actually make me laugh out loud when I’m by myself on the couch. A season long marathon of Arrested where you see everything come together could save my life too. But in a desperate situation where I need some serious quick laughs, the best of Always Sunny is my choice.

PS – Anyone from America who says the British version of a show is better than the American version needs to get the fuck out of my country