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The Warriors Suspended Jordan Bell For Charging "An Item" To Mike Brown's Hotel Room

Golden State Warriors v Denver Nuggets

(The Athletic) – At some point on Tuesday night,? Jordan? Bell? made a purchase at? the? Warriors’? team? hotel? here.? The? exact? item or?? items and amount of the bill is unclear. What isn’t, though, is who got unknowingly charged for it: assistant coach Mike Brown.

That, league sources say, was the reason for his team-issued one-game suspension, which Bell served during the Warriors’ 118-103 victory over the Grizzlies on Wednesday night, the reasoning announced officially as “conduct detrimental to the team.”

Brown was alerted to the charge. He inquired about it. The staff at The Peabody hotel, where the team stayed, confirmed its purchase. So the Warriors launched a quick investigation and it became clear that Bell is the one who put it on Brown’s bill. There was concern, sources say, that this wasn’t the first time Bell has pulled this maneuver on some unknowing member of the organization.

What a move here by Jordan Bell. When the news came out yesterday that the Warriors were suspending Jordan Bell for 1 game for conduct detrimental to the team, they were pretty tight lipped about what that meant

Now that we know that it was a hotel purchase charged to assistant coach Mike Brown’s room, we can all agree that this was most likely some porn right? Who gets upset about a little room service being put on someone else’s tab? Jordan Bell makes $1.3M a year and while that’s not a lot by NBA standards, it’s certainly enough to handle whatever is on the room service menu. You only do this shit when you are buying some porn yet you don’t want to be associated with it. I also find it a little suspicious we can know so much about the situation yet not know what the purchase is. That screams porn. Look, some people like to go into hotels and get down on themselves, there’s nothing wrong with that, but it is pretty hilarious that Bell appears to do this all the time.

Sometimes you want to spice up your life and try something new. Maybe he was tired of hitting up his normal rotation and decided to treat himself on the big screen. Where he went wrong is the person he decided to charge this to. Mike Brown doesn’t give off a porn vibe, that’s going to set alarms off immediately. If you’re going to do something like this, you have to be smart about it. Who would I choose? Probably Draymond. I bet he’s into some weird shit. Maybe Bogut for some hazing or something as the new guy but you can’t go with a coach, that’s Day 1 stuff.

My question is what does it say about the Warriors that they won’t cover for each other in a situation like this? So the guy wanted to watch a little porn, grow up Peter Pan. You’re supposed to have each other’s backs and be a family. You know how many times my brother and I had to cover for each other back in the Kazaa and Limewire days when downloading some grainy porn was all the rage? That’s what brothers do. You lie and play it off like you don’t know how that got there. Pretty lame of Mike Brown or whoever found this out to not have Bell’s back here. Just ask for the $17.99 or however much it cost back and move on. Let’s say this was all a prank, what’s the big deal? That’s why Bell made the mistake of going with a coach, Mike Brown doesn’t seem like the guy who knows how to joke around.

When you think about it, this news only makes you question the chemistry of this team heading into the playoffs. Imagine if the Warriors dynasty is finally broken up over some porn? Only in the NBA.