
Today Is Scientifically The Most Depressing Day of the Year


Inquisitor - Happy Blue Monday! According to a questionably scientific formula, the most depressing day of the year will fall on January 21 in 2013. Blue Monday was created by UK psychologist Cliff Arnall back in 2005. Arnall looked at various issues that can cause depressing and found that the most depressing day of the year falls on the third Monday of January. Why? Well it’s a Monday for one. Arnall also says that this is the time of year where holiday shopping bills are due, New Year’s resolutions are starting to fall apart and the weather is typically miserable. So yes, Blue Monday may seem like the most depressing day of the year.

Well you don’t have to convince me that today is the most depressing day of the year. And as such I guess now is as good a time as any to address a few questions that most Patriot fans have to be asking themselves right now. I mean if we’re going to say today is scientifically the most depressing day of the year let’s not half ass it. Let’s depress the fuck out of each other.

#1 – Is Wes Welker a choke artist?

You can’t argue with Wes Welker’s numbers. You can’t argue with his production. You can’t argue with what he’s meant to this team during the regular season. You also can’t argue that the most memorable play of each of the last two Patriots post season losses was a Wes Welker drop. Just a kick in the balls drop that had a direct outcome on the game. Passes that great WR’s like Welker should just never drop in a million years. There is no way to explain it other than to wonder whether he is a choke artist.

#2 – Is Gronk injury prone?

Everybody knows Gronk is a beast when healthy. But the reason he fell to the Pats in the draft is because he missed his entire senior year with a back injury. Now this is 2nd season in a row he’s been unavailable in the playoffs. Yeah he played against the Giants but he was a shell of himself. Hopefully this was a fluke but you got to start to wonder.

#3 – Can You Win With A Gimmick Offense?

I’ve been beating this drum for years. I hate our no-huddle offense. I hated when we used to spread the field and throw every play too. Gimmick shit like that works in the regular season. Eventually though you play a physical team in the playoffs and lose. We used to be that physical team that would laugh at teams like the Colts and the Rams and now ourselves. Teams that hung 50 on the worst teams in the league but would fold when you punch them in the mouth. I’ve just never seen a team in the history of football run a quirky offense and be physical at the same time. You can’t have both. When the Patriots were winning superbowls it was smash mouth football. Ball control, defense and Brady. Somewhere along the way that changed and we became an offense first football team. We haven’t won a superbowl since. Even after today’s loss everybody is talking about what Brady needs. Forget about that. Forget about building the offense. . Let’s get back to building a kick ass defense that can win by itself. Offense wins game. Defense wins championships.

#4 – Is Brady Over-Rated?

This is a tough one to answer. Before the game started Boomer Esiason called him the greatest QB who has ever lived. Honestly I don’t know anymore. Yeah he’s a certain first ballot HOF’er. He has 3 superbowls that you can never take away from him. But facts are he hasn’t won a big game since 2005. He hasn’t won a big game since the media has deemed him the golden boy. And once again yesterday he made some uncharacteristic mistakes in big moments highlighted by his clock mismanagement at the end of the first half. Things that if other QB’s did they’d get vilified for. Football is definitely a team game. And as I mentioned with question #3 since the Patriots have become a Brady first team we haven’t won shit.

That’s all I got. Now excuse me while I go puke.