
This Blog Is For Everybody Who Calls Me A Jinx


So today I tweeted out that Colin Kapernick is in deep trouble since Belichick will have two weeks to prepare for him in the Superbowl. Naturally all the moron Stoolies freaked out saying I was overlooking the Ravens and was going to jinx the Pats. That if we lose this weekend they are going to hunt my jew ass down and throw me in an oven. Well let me just clarify something real quick. Barstool Sports is the greatest thing that has ever happened to the city of Boston. I mean there is a mountain of evidence to suggest that I single handily turned this city around. That Boston was a city of losers before Barstool started in 2004. The facts are we hadn’t had a championship since the 86 Celtics. The Red Sox hadn’t won the World Series since 1908. The Patriots had never won a Superbowl. The Bruins were an expansion franchise. Shank, Borges and the Ordway were the voices of the Boston Sports fan thriving on a doom and gloom attitude. Then I launched Barstool and started peacocking it around the Internet proclaiming that we would beat everybody at everything and poof we became a city of champions. The Red Sox, Patriots, Celtic, Bruins all won almost instantly. It’s almost like people started to believe we were champions and it became contagious.   I did the same thing at Michigan. We won 2 national titles in hockey and 1 in football during my tenure.  They haven’t won anything since.  Once again me just putting an entire school on my back.   Listen am I saying that I deserve rings from all the major sports teams? Well that’s not for me to decide, but I just don’t get this jinx stuff at all? Bottomline is we will beat the Ravens Sunday because the Ravens are a joke. Anybody who is worried about jinxes or losing this game probably shouldn’t live here in the first place.