
Cardi B Says She Used To Ask Men "Oh Yeah, You Want To Fuck Me?" Before Drugging And Robbing Them Back At The Hotel


Oh boy. This is the first I’m seeing this Cardi B clip and let me tell ya…NOT GOOD! She starts going on a rant about how hard she’s worked and that people forget what she’s had to do to survive while casually throwing out there that when guys wanted to have sex with her she would say “Oh yeah, you want to fuck me? yeah yeah yeah?” then take the men back to her hotel, drug them up, and rob them. Apparently this was a few years ago but damn. There is literally no way to defend that. I don’t care if she says she had no money and had to make a living, you absolutely cannot justify drugging and robbing people just because you’re broke. But are people really surprised that Cardi B would say this? It’s Cardi B. You can’t say she’s not honest.

Cardi B is responding by saying she has always been a “street bitch” and that she’ll be staying off twitter for a few days…


In the meantime, #SurvivingCardiB has started up on Twitter. This should get interesting.