
Ovi And The Cup Met President Trump Today

Unreal. What a world. Look at this:

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Ovi is just a delight. My man really got a haircut, shaved, and put on his best red tie to look his finest for Trump. He could not look happier. It’s so perfect. The day after the whole Russia collusion thing he’s in the Oval Office looking like a kid in a candy shop. Just absolutely delighted. And we know he is without a doubt is wearing a wire. Without a shout of a doubt he is wired up.

And I guess that’s pretty much that. Hour long tour, quick meet n greet with the leader of the free world, and then back to home. You know Ovi is going to get a selfie though. Eagerly awaiting to see it. And if he’s randomly missing from the bus ride home, well, we’ll know why……



PS: There of course are people mad and all that about the Caps going to the White House. I wrote this blog about said outrage which I think most rational adults would agree with.