
In Honor Of The NHL Starting Tomorrow Wake Up With The B's Newest Ice Girl And My Vote For The Hottest Ice Girl In the League - Emily

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Absolute HOF smokeshow who is now a Bruins ice girl.   Tyler Seguin is probably drooling all over himself as we speak.  An absolute hard 10 and my vote for the hottest ice girl in the NHL.   Don’t forget our pub crawl tomorrow….

We’re doing a B’s pub crawl this Saturday starting at 1pm.  We’re giving away a B’s shirts to anybody who shows up at North Star to jump on board with us.  We got Nose Face, Hab’s Suck, Cue the Duckboats etc.   Hockey is back.   Only way to celebrate it to get shitty.  And all the girls who had fake orgasms when they announced the lockout ended better show up.

Schedule of Bars

1pm- North Star
2pm- The Harp
3pm- McGann’s
4pm- Hurricane O’Reilly’s


Here is the facebook event page to join.