
Victor Cruz Is The Latest Idiot To Dump His Agent For Jay Z

NY PostWhat Victor Cruz hinted at so many times last season was made clear Wednesday when the Giants receiver signed on with rap star Jay-Z’s budding sports agency. Cruz, who had cryptically added Jay-Z’s diamond-shaped “Roc” hand signal to his famous end-zone salsa dances last year, is the second local sports star to hook up with Roc Nation Sports after Robinson Cano signed this week. Jay-Z’s new sports agency is affiliated with the powerful and much more established Creative Artists Agency (CAA), which already represents Cruz in football matters through super agent Tom Condon. That is expected to continue, in part because Jay-Z is not yet a licensed agent with the NFL Players Association while Condon is one of the most powerful — and feared — representatives in the sport. Cruz’s deal with Jay-Z is more likely to be a way to boost his endorsements (he already has agreements with Nike, Campbell’s Chunky Soup and Time Warner Cable) and help grow Cruz’s nascent Young Whales clothing line. Cruz’s decision to sign with Jay-Z has to be considered good news for the Giants, because it makes it much less likely he will want to leave this market next year as an unrestricted free agent if, as expected, he doesn’t receive any outside offers as a restricted free agent this spring.

Look I get it. Jay Z is a cool ass dude. Especially for a New York athlete. And I know he can work wonders for your off the field popularity and endorsement deals and all that stuff. As I said in my first blog about Cano signing with Roc Nation, I know CAA is a big agency and capable of representing these guys. But the fact that these clowns are dumping high profile, very powerful agents to be with their favorite rapper Jay Z is lunacy. First of all, if I’m an athlete, I want an old, white Jewish man dealing with my money and my contracts. Give me a -stein or a -berg or a -witz as my agent. Thats the guy you want handling your negotiations. Secondly, these super agents they are dumping are not the guys you want to be your enemies. Boras and Condon are the type of spiteful bastards who will go out of their way to fuck you.

I know its not gonna ruin their careers or anything, but bottom line is these guys are making huge decisions based on their favorite rapper. Thats pretty absurd. Not too mention its like the worst bargaining chip in the world. Unless these guys already fully intend on re-signing in New York, this move just screams they don’t wanna leave town.

PS – I’m in the process of trying to lure Jay Cutler to be my first client as an NFL agent.