
Wait, Did LeSean McCoy Really Leave A $0.20 Tip On A $60 Bill At PYT Today? UPDATE: It's A Fake And PYT Is Officially A Sack Of Shit 2ND UPDATE: That's Maybe His Signature, #Tipgate?



via PYT Facebook Page

Two zeros before the decimal point. Impressive.

This is some Shady stuff right here. Pun fucking intended. In my humble opinion it’s a fake, but I guess if it’s true LeSean’s a big dick? There’s really no way around it, right? I mean, even if the service is crap – like literally, a walking pile of shit takes the order and delivers the food – it deserves at least 10% for the effort. And Shady is not intelligent enough to give the Mr Pink defense when it comes to tipping in today’s society. Even money he had to have someone read the menu and receipt to him. I will say that leaving 20 cents is FAR more disrespectful than leaving nothing. Just such a slap in a face from the millionaire you almost have to respect the move.

But this has a high probability to be a sham. As I’ve reported before, PYT’s burgers are not on the Chip Kelly Sports Science Diet Menu. Those delicious creations are as close to diabetes on a bun as you’ll ever find.

h/t Stallant

UPDATE: I guess Sean Connery is a rough tipper, too? And PYT is officially on the revenge list for putting this on their official Fbook page and sewering a beloved Philly athlete. Especially since it’s very believable he thought he was leaving $20 but just wrote it wrong. Plus there’s word on the street they charge an automatic 20% gratuity no matter how big the party. Congrats, PYT. You’ve been boycotted.


2nd Update: Wait, that’s still possibly McCoy’s signature and the Sean Connery one is a fake? Or they took Shady’s name as Sean Connery? I don’t even know anymore. I’m still saying it’s a fake, and people coming out in his defense stating Shady’s a generous tipper. People aren’t wrong. Fuck off PYT. Also, Evan Mathis is funny.


