Does This Look Like The Face Of A Guy Who Got Busted For His Assault Warrant When He Went To Get A Flu Shot?
(HuffPo) — Nathaniel Chambers is feeling a little under the weather. The 27-year-old Connecticut man was busted one week after allegedly committing a violent assault and robbery at an auto shop, when he visited Veterans Hospital in West Haven for a flu shot. “Once staff learned he was wanted on our arrest warrant, the VA police held him until he was medically released at 1 p.m. today,” South Windsor Police Sgt. Scott Custer said in an e-mail to Patch.
What the fuck is up with everybody getting flu shots? This is insane. It’s the must have winter item of the season. We got criminals risking their freedom to get a vaccination? I don’t understand it one bit. I didn’t even know people besides children and old people got flu shots. Didn’t know they kept enough in stock for people with normal immune systems to go get one. Not only do I not want a flu shot, I want the flu. Sick days are the fucking best and I never get sick. People who get flu shots are one small step below the Asians in the SARS masks. A few days on the couch with a fever and the chills is literally a vacation. Don’t see why people are so against it. At the very least it’s better than whatever the sentencing for a violent assault and robbery is.