
Girl Pleads Guilty To Reckless Endangerment After Pushing Friend Off Bridge

NBC - A teenager accused of injuring her 16-year-old friend by pushing her off a 60-foot bridge in southwestern Washington in August pleaded guilty Monday to misdemeanor reckless endangerment.

Taylor Smith appeared in Clark County District Court, where a state prosecutor recommended no jail time. She will be sentenced March 27.

Smith pushed Jordan Holgerson off the Moulton Falls Regional Park bridge northeast of Vancouver on Aug. 7. Holgerson suffered six broken ribs and punctured lungs.

Smith, 19, was charged with one count of reckless endangermentabout a week and a half after the incident, a misdemeanor which carries a maximum penalty of a year in jail and a $5,000 fine.

So this incident happened in the Summer and is being brought back into the light because the girl who pushed the other girl off the bridge got charged with a misdemeanor. I’m blogging it now because I was kind of fascinated by the whole thing when I saw it on the news yesterday. And no, I don’t know why I was a 78-year old man and watched the news.

I’ve swayed back and forth on this topic no less than 100 times. On one hand yes, that’s way too high of a jump to push someone off. You need to have your feet set so you can stick the landing and all of that. But, then on the other end the girl saying that she hopes she has to go to jail seems like a little too much.

Really though it’s impossible to really judge a situation like this without knowing the girls, right?

Past offenses absolutely matter. If Taylor really was a big ass bully who was always knocking peoples trays over at Taco Bell and smashing peoples cigarettes than I get wanting to send her ass to jail. But, then if Jordan just has people getting in her head about how she needs to press charges, ruin her life etc then that’s not great either. Very tough situation here for the chicks.

How about Brady becoming a modern day hero though? That guys going to be showing chicks that for the rest of his life. As a matter of fact he probably goes to Washington or Wazzu right now and is hosting forums about what’s right and wrong just so he could bring a couple of the girls back who stick around at the end to ask questions.

In the end I think you chalk this up to having her pay the medical bills and then call it even.

Case closed.

- Judge Ed