
Washington Man Sentenced To 4 Years In Prison For Trying To Kill His Wife With "Voodoo"

Washington Post – Cheryl McLaughlin returned to her Northeast Washington home after work about two years ago to find candles flickering in her living room, with slips of paper under each that read: “make her stay” or “make her love me.” A year later, in summer 2012, McLaughlin’s estranged husband, Raymond E. Bradshaw Jr., was seen lighting paper on the grill, chanting and spreading ashes around the back yard.  D.C. prosecutors said Bradshaw first turned to voodoo to save his relationship and, when that didn’t work, for something more sinister. They said he hired a purported African voodoo priest he met online and paid that person $500 to cast a spell that would kill McLaughlin, ensuring that she didn’t divorce him and seek alimony. When the magic spells failed, prosecutors said, Bradshaw, 64, approached his 16-year-old nephew, bought a gun and offered to pay him $2,500 to kill McLaughlin. The nephew instead told his mother, who alerted police. Bradshaw eventually pleaded guilty to one felony count of solicitation of murder. On Tuesday, he was sentenced to four years in prison. “He’s obsessed with killing me any way he can,” McLaughlin, 53, said during the D.C. Superior Court hearing. “My life has forever been changed. I’ve been betrayed, abused and degraded.”

Hey Washington Post! Are you fucking serious with that headline? You know how fucking pumped I got to write this blog? Writing about how married men everywhere probably wish and pray and do voodoo and Santaria and black magic hoping their wives go away? 3 sentences into the article you find out he bailed on voodoo and hired his nephew as a fucking hitman to kill his wife with a gun. I’m pretty sure that was what did it! Not so much the voodoo. More the gun murder part. This isn’t fucking Zimbabwe. Voodoo is not a real crime because its not a real goddam thing. Asking your 16 year old nephew to shoot someone most certainly is.