
The Redskins Might Make A "Big Splash" To Bring In Help For Trey Quinn

The Redskins desperately need help at WR. I think we have one real WR under contract right now. I do not count Josh Doctson as a real WR. He’s going to be turning 27 this season and I think we know he is exactly what he is, a glorified #4 WR. Maybe he’ll shock the world and break out this season and maybe I’ll date a supermodel, who knows.

But one thing is for sure, we need to bring in help for Trey Quinn.

Trey can’t do it all by himself. Right now, he is a top 5 WR in the league and besides him, the Skins have legit nobody else for Colt throw the ball to at the WR position. Crowder is gone, Doctson stinks, they just let Mo Harris walk, I don’t think Michael Floyd is under contract, and I guess we have Paul Richardson, he of 20 catches for 262 yards last season.

Jordan Reed is getting up there and is one strong gust of wind from his career being over, and Vernon Davis is the only other option at TE. So yeah, needless to say, the Skins gotta do SOMETHING.

There are rumors the Skins could be in the mix for an AJ Green trade. We don’t have the cap space for him but where there’s a will there’s a way. He’d be a great compliment to Trey Quinn, but at what cost? The Skins are doing that thing where we are half rebuilding, half “trying to win now”, which as we all know, definitely always works when teams do that.

There’s also the chance the Skins go WR at 15 of course, which wouldn’t be the bad thing. We are historically terrible at picking WRs in the early rounds of the draft. Going back to Taylor Jacobs in ’03, Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly in ’08, Leonard Hankerson in ’11, and Josh Doctson in ’16. The only decent WR picks we’ve made was Crowder in the 4th round in 2015 (and he never completely became a star or anything, just decent) and then Trey Quinn in the 7th last year. That’s IT.

Anyway, we are on high alert to see what the Skins do to upgrade the WR corp. Thank GOSH we have Quinn, otherwise Case Keenum will be catching balls from Case Keenum next year.

PS: He has some sick college highlights. Can’t believe he dropped to the last pick in the draft.