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Eye Doctor In Trouble For Making Female Patients Take Their Shirts Off And Groping Them

MANKATO To hear prosecutors sum it up, Todd Gavin is a calculating sexual predator, a man who saw the opportunity to take advantage of two young female clients, tricking them into thinking it was within the wheelhouse of an eye doctor to examine a patient’s breasts. Gavin’s attorneys, of course, tell a different story. In their view, Gavin was just doing the job he’s been doing for 20 years in a medical career that has never before been besmirched by accusations of sexual impropriety. Gavin was facing two felony and two gross misdemeanor charges for allegedly having two female patients remove their clothing for no reason during eye exams in 2010 in Mankato. The charges were filed in July 2011 after a woman told police she had been sexually assaulted by Gavin. He had already been reprimanded and sanctioned by the state for inappropriately touching other female patients, including a second victim cited in the complaint.

I know it’s not right to blame the victim in a sexual assault case. I do. But what am I supposed to do here? My hands are tied. This one is on the girls. I ask more questions than an SAT when my physician asks me to drop trou. Need to know every single thing he’s planning on doing down there. If these broads strolled into an eye exam, popped their bras off and just started rattling off the Felicia Eye Chart then that’s on no one but them. Can’t willingly slip your tits into an ophthalmoscope and blame the doctor for being a pervert. You’re getting your retinas tested, not your areolas. It’s a guys job to lie to get nookie, it’s a girls job to sniff out the lies. If he says he’s a wealthy investment banker, be suspicious. If he says to show him your tits so you can inspect your cornea, he’s probably lying. Don’t need 20/20 vision to see that one coming.