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For The Record I Think It's Bullshit The Taney Dragons Little League Team Are Getting A Parade Down Broad St.


PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — The city of Philadelphia is planning a parade for the Taney Dragons Little League baseball team to be held on Wednesday, August 27th at 2 p.m. The city announced the parade will begin at 20th and Market Streets and travel east on Market Street, go around the southwest corner of City Hall and travel south on Broad Street down to FDR Park at Broad and Pattison Streets. Officials say there will be two stops along the parade route. The first stop is at the Kimmel Center, where the little leaguers will be serenaded by the Philly POPS! The second stop is at Broad Street and Washington Avenue where the Mummers will perform.

First and foremost, this is a great team with a better story. The odds and factors they’ve overcome to make it as far as they did, with a girl historically leading the way, is nothing short of amazing. They should be honored and, more importantly, not forgotten. The Phillies having a Taney night is a perfect and acceptable example.

All that being said, this has officially gone too far. There’s no way in hell this Little League team should shut down Center City on a weekday to get a parade down Broad Street. They didn’t win it all. Case closed. We didn’t do dick for the Flyers in ’10, Phillies in ’09, Eagles in ’04 and Sixers in ’01 when each BELOVED team made came in second overall. The ’93 Phils were the most loved team in a generation and their plane was egged when they got back after Joe Carter ended all the childhood’s in the area. These kids came in third (if that) and it’s they entering Rome like conquering heroes, but what have they conquered? It has literally nothing to do with their inspiring story or them being children, it has everything do to with they didn’t win.

If they took it down, then fantastic. They get hero’s welcome. This city will do anything for a winner that we can piggyback onto to forget about how much losing we’ve suffered through. We fucking would’ve paraded Smarty Jones down Broad Street if he took home the Triple Crown. That damn horse would’ve had his dick stroked more in one afternoon than Pat The Bat did in a decade in this city. But for a LITTLE LEAGUE TEAM, this is too much. And I’m not blaming the kids or parents at all. If Mayor Nutter wanted shut down the city and push my rolling office chair down the street in honor of being third (if that) in the blogger rankings then I’ll be flattered, too. But that’s exactly the point. A parade down Broad St. is some sacred shit. That’s exactly why we’ve only had one in the past 30+ years. It’s not going to go over well when a delivery guy on his second shift is trying to cross Market but is held up for an hour because a bunch of kids and their dozens of fans closed the entire street for the afternoon.

