
Watch Nets Fans Go Crazy Giving Dirk One Hell Of A Sendoff

This right here is the good stuff. Further proof that everyone with a heart loves Dirk. It’s impossible not to. You think it matters that the Mavs are down a billion points when this happens? Sure doesn’t. The Barclay’s Center was going to send Dirk off right and I’d go so far to say they nailed it. I mean they are going NUTS for the legend. Back when the Mavs were in LA last week and Doc Rivers pulled this classy move

I wrote about how I needed every road team to do the exact same thing. Every arena Dirk plays in on the road needs to give him a standing ovation and proper send off. This game was a blowout, Nets fans had every right to head out early and beat the traffic but they stuck around and cheered their dicks off for a meaningless jumper. That gets major respect from me. We’ve seen different crowds cheer him on and give him their ovations, but this reaction was like he just hit a game winner for the Nets or something. By far the best crowd reaction I’ve seen for Dirk so far. I imagine this is what would have happened at the Garden had Dirk not gone 0-fer. It got to the point where they were booing any other Mav who shot the ball that wasn’t Dirk, impossible not to love that.

And I know this is sort of a weird situation because “technically” Dirk hasn’t made his decision about coming back next year. But I think that makes me love it even more. I’m pretty sure Dirk is the only legend who everyone would 100% be on board to give a second retirement send off tour too. Like if Wade changed his mind people would probably hate it, but I think we all want Dirk to play forever because we all want to keep celebrating him. I wouldn’t care if he played 2 more years either, there can never be enough Dirk love.

So well done Nets fans, you did your job perfectly. We have Washington up next on Wednesday and I know they stink but that has to be a sellout if only to keep this love train going.