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I Think Artie Lange Has A Crush On First Take Host Cari Champion, Says He Wants To Pretend To Be Thomas Jefferson And She His Slave













Well then. Tell us how you really feel Artie. Jesus Christ man. You know what the craziest part about these tweets are? Artie Lange just had a slave fantasy about a black woman out loud and I can’t find anyone upset about it. I had to check to make sure we were still in 2014, the year where shy bladder groups can voice their displeasure over directv commercials. I obviously know what type of humor Artie Lange does, I’m not a fan but I understand the “shock” thing he’s attempting, and that’s why I was expecting the world to be in flames over this. But Artie Lange has reached the level of life where he can basically say the most outrageous thing possible and people will just be like, ah, that’s just Artie Lange. Unreal. And to be perfectly honest I don’t even think that’s a good thing. He’s like the boy who cried wolf too many times. If you spend your whole life trying to shock people eventually you’ll run out of shock. That has to be sneaky disappointing for him. Where do you even go from that position? You start defending Hitler? Outright say the N word? Honest question, because whether Artie Lange wants to admit it or not, part of these slave tweets were to pick a fight with the PC world and they can’t even be bothered. That has to suck for his line of work.





I honestly feel bad for Cari Champion. Partly because of these tweets but mostly because she has to sit in between Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith all day. I think that’s a level in Dante’s Inferno right?

