
Grading the Newest Sex Scandal Teacher.




Texas - A 46-year-old science teacher at Denton Guyer High School turned herself in Thursday to face charges for allegedly having an inappropriate relationship with a student.

Denton police said Jeanna Wesson performed a sex act on a 17-year-old student and exchanged inappropriate photos and video with him in 2017. …

He later told investigators that Wesson had been his chemistry teacher during his sophomore year. Two years later when he was a senior, the victim said he and Wesson began exchanging sexually explicit text messages and talked about having sex.

One day in May of 2017, the victim said he went to Wesson’s classroom during fifth period because she didn’t have a class at that time. She locked the door and performed oral sex on him, the affidavit states.

Police said Wesson admitted to the offense in an interview. A search warrant also produced enough evidence for an arrest.

Timing. So much of life is all about timing. And you need no further proof than poor Jeanna Wesson.

Present her story any day other than this, and she’s the stuff sex dreams about your teacher are made of. But just yesterday we got the update on Sex Scandal Teacher legend Brittany Zamora banging her student in her classroom while his best friend was put on lookout detail. This Brittany Zamora:


And how can Jeanna Wesson possibly hope to compete with that? With her simple tale of locking the door, dropping to her knees and giving the kid a hummer. It’s a great story, no doubt. She tried hard. She did her best. But her tale is like releasing your simple, slice-of-life drama film the same weekend Avengers: Endgame opens. It’s like holding a concert in Mansfield the same night Taylor Swift is selling out Foxboro. No matter how good you perform, your tree will be falling in the woods with nobody there to hear it. Sorry, Ms. Wesson. But at least you’re not forgotten here.

The Grades:
Looks: This probably isn’t fair, but I spared you Jeanna’s mugshot, which made it look like she was arrested for trying to keep the Goonies from finding a pirate treasure. And I want to go into the weekend on a high note. So I present you with these. Of a pretty, pretty well held together 46-year-old. Don’t look directly at the Zamora photos and then back to Wesson. Just hold your hand over bottom part of the screen and grade her on her own merits and I think you’ll agree she deserves a Texas 46-year-old’s
Grade: B-

Moral Compass/Bad Judgment: Same thing here. Let’s be fair and remember that a classroom BJ in the middle of the school day is showing a lot of want to, hustle, guts and an extreme absence of any kind of sound judgment, instead of comparing her to the much more daring Brittany Z. Plus we’ve got an admission and the vague but reassuring “enough evidence for an arrest.” “She didn’t have class at that time”? I’ll say she didn’t.
Grade: A

Intangibles: And this is how you teach chemistry in Wildcat Country. I can’t stop remembering an old ad for Wesson Oil that said “Every drop comes back, except for one tablespoon.” I didn’t know what it meant, but if you ever get a blowie in Jeanna Wesson’s classroom, feel free to work it into the conversation.
Grade: B+

Overall: B. The year is starting to pick up momentum.

Do you have someone you want to see graded? Tweet her to me @jerrythornton1 or email me at Your service to the betterment of mankind will be its own reward.