
Tyler Seguin Won the Swedish Stanley Cup And Captivated A Nation In the Process

(Tyler Seguin after winning the Stanley Cup in Sweden)



Open letter to Tyler Seguin from news writer Beat Moning published in Swiss newspaper Bieler Tagblatt

Thank you Tyler Seguin

On 25 September you landed in Biel. A shy young man at first sight and after the first interviews. The first practice has already shown: What you will show us is Hockey at it’s finest. You played 29 Games for EHC Biel, scored 40 points. This alone says enough. But anyone who has seen and followed you through all these weeks can now really understand what hockey can be. Fine art. Sometimes you have taken a lot of risk, some passes didn’t arrive. Normal, you are only about 21 years old. On January 31 exactly on the same day that our Biel-born player Gaëtan Haas will get 21 years old. We would have liked to see you two together celebrating this anniversary with the team. Well you left us. We can not be angry. The contract expired, and you did not want to sign a contract till the end of the lockout. You will not only be remembered as the young man from Canada with the whimsical smile. What you have shown us on the ice, your speed, your technique, your eye for the right thing at the right moment and not least your hard shot, all this is unmatched in the 73-year history of EHC Biel. In other words, dear Tyler Seguin, you’ve made history in Biel. Even though you’ll probably never see this place again, we hope that you take one or the other positive memory with you to Boston. I’m sure one or the other people from the Seeland-region in Biel will come visit you in the National Hockey League. In order to remember a time that will never be forgotten. Thank you Tyler, all the best.


Holy shit dude.   Get it together.  Seguin was only in Sweden for like a month right?  I mean he only played in 29 games.  Yeah I agree that watching Seguin play hockey is like fine art, but still 29 days is 29 days.  This guy sounds like he needs to be put on suicide watch now that Seguin left town.  Either way this letter makes me miss hockey.  They better figure this shit out ASAP!