
Heroic Bystanders Pull Woman Out Of A Car That Is VERY On Fire


Holy shit what a cliffhanger. We never got an answer. We never found out if there was anyone else in the car. I had to do a couple Google searches to find out if there was anyone else in the car. I couldn’t find any concrete evidence but none of the articles said anyone died so it’s safe to say there wasn’t anyone else in the car. Thankfully.

Anyway. Do you think you’re the type of person who would pull someone out of a car that’s SUPER on fire? It’s an impossible question to answer without being in the moment. As I sit at my desk that isn’t on fire it’s easy for me to tell myself I’d be like one of the heroic bystanders in the video but who knows. I can’t know. Huge shoutout to those people people who did though. That takes serious balls to do that. They pulled her right outta there despite all of the fire. If action movies are to be believed, that car could’ve blow up at any second.