New York Experiencing Hurricane Sandy Baby Boom
Huffington Post – Turns out that Hurricane Sandy baby boom in New York might really be happening. The New York Post reports the city seeing a big bump in expecting mothers with due dates in July and August– exactly nine months after the devastating superstormripped through the region, shutting off power, and perhaps causing bored couples to cuddle a little bit closer. “We started noticing a couple of weeks ago that we were getting really busy with phone calls and lab results and charts. We were like, what is going on here?” Linda Roberts, a nurse manager at an OB/GYN office in Westchester, told the Post. From July 15 to August 15, Roberts says her office is expecting 30 percent more deliveries than they usually see during that period. The post-disaster baby boom, of course, is not a new phenomenon in New York City. “In the past, there was a bump during 9/11, there have been bumps after blackouts and hurricanes, but Sandy went on for quite a while, and events that cause power outages really bring — how should I say this? — people closer together,” said Dr. Jacques Moritz, gynecology director at St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital. The August following the 1965 blackout, for example, The New York Times reportedrecord single-day birth rates, almost exactly nine months after NYC had been plunged into darkness.
You know what this means, right? That theres a 30% uptick in dudes out there who are like “FUCK that Hurricane.” 30% more dudes who are like “It was fucking raining outside so I didn’t pull out???” 30% more guys out there who not only got their houses destroyed but now they got a kid on the way too. All because power went out and candles were lit and your wife surprisingly wanted to fuck.
I’m telling you man, the long lasting effects of this Hurricane won’t even be fully felt until like 20 years from now. Long after the houses are rebuilt and the communities are restored, there will be some poor bastard out there dealing with a teenage daughter who is partying and having sex thinking to himself “If it never rained that night…” Insurance can cover the loss of your home and time heals all sorts of wounds. But knocking a bitch up? Thats for life bro. Your life is a Category 5 hurricane forever after that shit.