
Don Cherry Is Freaking Out About The Carolina Hurricanes And Called Them A Bunch Of "Jerks"

Look, I couldn’t care less about what the fuck the Carolina Hurricanes are doing after they win games. Personally, I think you have a big old dump in your pants if you are going to make a big deal about it like Don Cherry did on his “Coaches Corner” segment on Hockey Night in Canada.

Is this just Don Cherry being Don Cherry? Probably. Guy is a master troll. And to be honest, I can see both sides of this. I can see why you would hate the post game celebrations and I can see why you’d like it.

Personally, I think it is pretty lame. The first time they did it I wrote a blog about how much it confused me just because I had never seen anything like it before. I can only imagine what is going through some of the players heads when they have to do some of these stupid celebrations too. Does it bother me though? Absolutely not. I’ll tell you what though, if they did this after a playoff win against the Bruins, then it may start to bother me.

Hurricanes fans seem to love this too, so who cares. I have blogged before that the Hurricanes should probably just consider leaving Raleigh due to their lack of support. But if this is what is going to get fans to go to games and to buy into the franchise then sure, fuck it, celebrate the shit out of each win.

Don Cherry wants to be the voice of hockey and for some people, he is. But if you ask me, it is just another old man yelling at the sky.