
The Onion In Hot Water For Calling 9 Year Old Oscar Nominee The C-Bomb

Huff Po - The Onion set Twitter on fire Sunday night after insulting Oscar-nominated actress Quvenzhane Wallis. The satirical newspaper’s tweet, shown below, called Wallis a “c–t.” Many Twitter users took umbrage to @TheOnion‘s comment, particularly since it was aimed at the 9-year-old star of “Beasts of the Southern Wild.” Before it was deleted an hour later, the tweet was retweeted more than 500 times and favorited by some 400 users, The Associated Press reported.

Ain’t no satire there! Look here’s the thing about this little 9 year old cocky bitch. She’s 9. She’s black. And she starred in a movie called Beasts of the Southern Wild. I don’t know anything about that movie, but that combination right there just screams racially untouchable. I feel like if you make fun of her you’re making fun of Katrina Victims or something. If someone as racist as me even looks at Quvnanchenezeane I’m gonna be called insensitive. So she’s basically completely off limits without somebody out there being offended. You’re either gonna piss off black people or women or mothers or southerners or the actors guild or fucking something.

So my guess is that the Onion recognized this and just went way over the top with it. Might as well drop a Seaward on this 9 year old black girl and seriously offend everyone. If you’re gonna offend, offend big! For the record I think she was a cocky little bitch and her doggie handbags fucking sucked. Do I think she crossed into C-Word territory? Probably not – that’s reserved for that Anne Hathaway bitch. Fuck that snobby broad. But all I’m saying here is if this was a little white actress who starred in a movie as an affluent daughter of a rich family, this joke would have gone over a lot differently.

Or maybe its just because I’m a racist and even saying the words “9 year old black girl” makes me feel like I’ve offended someone.