
Time For Woodson To Change The Starting Lineup?

I didn’t watch much of the Knicks/Pacers debacle last night. I was doing KFC Radio with a real competitor, Bryan Beer II, so I just had it on out of the corner of my eye. Didn’t matter, anyway. Within like 8 minutes it was an absolute travety. Absolutely nothing to see in almost a 40 point blowout. They limped into the break and this game against the Pacers to kick off the 2nd half was as close to a playoff game as you can get in February. It was a statement game and the statement Mike Woodson’s Knicks made were “Ehhh actually we’re not that good.”

Now I understand that Mike Woodson’ and the Knicks are dealing with the KFC curse after I reluctantly bought into them a couple weeks ago. But it goes deeper than that. They’ve been a .500 team since their insanely hot start. 14-14 after starting 18-5. Including some serious fucking stinkers like last night’s game and a blowout in Philly and a loss to the Raptors at home. So the question is, is it enough to push the panic button? Obviously not all out panic – unless something completely unexpected happens before 3pm today, they’re not making any moves. But is it time to juggle the lineup? The Felton/Kidd 2 headed point guard system that worked so well earlier this season has looked like garbage recently. Lets call a spade a spade, Shumpert hasn’t bounced back from his knee injury the way anybody expected. Hasn’t really bounced back at all. Novak hasn’t been the spark plug he was last year and can’t be trusted in big time games. And lets face it, Rasheed probably ain’t comin back.

On the flip side you got JR Smith and Amare coming off the bench. Now a game like last nite you see the horrendous side of JR Smith. He can’t be trusted night in and night out. And Amare on the floor with the starting unit the past few years was obviously a disaster. But whats the move? Or is there a move at all? Do you just weather the storm and hope for the best? Or is 14-14 dating back to the middle of December enough to pull the plug on the squad that started 18-5 and juggle it up? The real problem is, even if its time to change this lineup, Mike Woodson seems like one of those old school guys averse to change who will be too stubborn about it.