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Barstool Blackout Smokeshow of the Day - Brielle

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Introducing Brielle from Verona. What are the chances Brielle’s mom and dad met on Brielle road in Manasquan and named her that after they magically fell in love that summer? Probably like 0% but if I were her, I’d go around telling people that.

I think it will be exactly like when about 10 years from now there’s a slew of babies being born named “Trenton” after all the parents that fell in love and met their future husband or wife at the Fckin Foam Tour in Trenton, New Jersey. And by “10 years from now” I mean 9 months and by “fell in love” I mean they probably had sex that night.

Fckin Foam Trenton – April 5th – Sun National Bank Center, Trenton NJ – CLICK HERE TO BUY TICKETS