
European Museum Allow Nude People To Study Their Nude Exhibits

VIENNA (AP) These museum goers didn’t just leave their coats at the coat check. They handed over their shirts, trousers and underwear. Everything, in fact, except their shoes and socks. After all, the stone floor can get chilly when you’re touring an art exhibit in the nude, which was what more than 60 art lovers did in a special after-hours showing at Vienna’s prestigious Leopold museum. For many, the tour of “Nude Men from 1800 to Today” — an exhibit of 300 paintings, photographs, drawings and sculptures focused on the bare male — was a goose-bump-raising instance of life imitating art. Florian Kahlenberg from Munich said he found it “interesting to stroll through a museum naked,” adding. “I’ve always wanted to do that.” Described as among the most successful ever staged by the Leopold, it has drawn well over 100,000 people. On Monday, interest was definitely skewed along gender lines. Irina Wolf smiled as she looked around at the mostly male crowd lining up for tickets. “I’m at a big advantage here,” she said. “Only men around.”

I can’t think of anything worse than a bunch of old naked dudes at a museum. That might be the most boring/gruesome combo imaginable. Museums in general fuckin stink. Unless you’re at something like a Planetarium or a science place, museums are boring as shit. Or a place with dinosaur bones and cave men and stuff. Cool shit like that is ok. But looking at some asshole painter and his abstract interpretation of nature or something is for the birds. I know you’ll probably just call me some drunk idiot blogger who can’t appreciate culture and shit, and guess what? You’re probably right. You know what else though? Like 99% of people are just like me. So if the vast majority of people find museums boring then they are just fucking boring.

Now imagine you go to the museum and there’s just a bunch of old naked people staring at pictures of other old naked people? Just tons of dicks just staring each other down. Like some sort of cock and balls Inception. Can’t even tell who are the patrons and who are the exhibits because everywhere you look there’s old balls up in your face. Gross and more importantly boring as shit. Its like watching paint dry but instead you’re watching old man nuts dry.

PS – How about the one chick in this herd of old naked men at the museum? How much of a lunatic and/or slut is that old bird? There’s asking for the dick and then there’s asking for the dick. When you are a part of some sort of museum tour gangbang you are ASKING for the dick.