
Porn Star Brooke Haven Says The Hardest Partying Athlete She Ever Met Was......Sebastian Janikowski


 “We were driving one time in the Navigator, I was driving, and he was smoking a cigarette outside the window or something,” she explained. “He was hanging out singing Nelly, and all of a sudden the next thing you know the inside of the car’s on fire. He dropped the cigarette down into the side panel of the door and all these papers are on fire. He takes them, throws them all out the window and says, ‘F— it. Keep going.’ And that was it.”



I knew Sebastian Janikowski partied, I’m pretty sure he got arrested at Florida State back in the late 90’s but this is still hilarious. Of all the athletes out there. The thousands and thousands of guys who like to go hard, Gronk, John Daly, Kyle Orton, Michael Irvin etc etc. Brooke Haven is like yup, it’s that fat boy kicker from the Raiders that is an absolute maniac. Haven’t partied with him in years but man, when I did I totally feared for my life. Getting black out drunk, lighting cars on fire, bumping Nelly. Man, now I want to party with Sebastian Janikowski. Sounds like an awesome time. Need a 30/30 on his life at some point. What if I told you, there was a guy in Oakland who liked kicking footballs hard, and partying even harder. The Polish Cannon, 30/30 presented by Nissan.





You know you party hard when a pornstar calls you crazy. That’s like the highest partying honor you can receive. If there was a Purple Heart of Partying it would be presented by a coked out Jenna Jameson.