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Good Samaritans Help Clean Up Road After Beer Truck Spills 80,000 Cans Of Beer

Source – Locals were sent into a looting frenzy after 80,000 cans of beer spilt from an overturned lorry in Thailand. Driver Somporn Primjarus, 58, was delivering the boxes to a warehouse when he lost control on a corner and toppled over on January 11 in Phuket. The cans of fresh Leo beer were sent sprawling onto the road – causing hundreds of residents to descend on the scene and loot the alcohol after the crash at sunrise.

I can’t decide whether or not this would be a dream or a nightmare. On one hand you have an opportunity to grab as much free beer as you want and on the other that beer is Leo, aka the Schiltz of Thailand.

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Not only that, half the cans would be damaged so your hands would get all sticky trying to pick them up. Then you’ve got to schlep them home, refrigerate them, and worst of all drink them. I may grab one or two, but definitely not multiple cases like a lot of these guys.

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The more I think about it, the more I realize how bad I would hate to be in that situation. I mean look at how disgusting this scene is.

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It’s probably three-thousand degrees too. Everyone working up a sweat, stinking, getting in each other’s way. No thanks. Unless it’s a truck full of Belvedere on a deserted road I’m going to keep it moving. Credit to these guys for cleaning it up though. I don’t know how the DPW works in rural Thailand, but I can’t imagine they would’ve been able to clear the road as fast as these guys.